About the Journal

Geoadria is an Open Acess scientific journal that primarily publishes research results on the Croatian littoral area and Croatia in general, as well as research results from various geographic and geography-related scientific disciplines focusing on the Adriatic area, the Mediterranean, and Europe. The journal welcomes papers on any topic related to the interactions between the physical and human components of the environment, employing theoretical, methodological, or applied approaches. We particularly encourage the publication of results obtained through geospatial tools and methods, as well as those that build upon previously published research in Geoadria.

 Geoadria is indexed in following databases: Web of Science Core Collection – Emerging Source Citation Indeks (ESCI), Scopus, ERIH PLUS, GEOREF, Current Geographical Publications.

Academic databases and searching engines: DOAJ, EBSCO (Academic Search Complete), Hrčak.

Status: Active

ISSN (Print): 1331-2294
ISSN (Online): 1848-9710

Publisher/s: Croatian Geographical Society - Zadar ; Department of Geography, University of Zadar

Year of publication of the first issue: 1996

Frequency: biannual

Scientific areas: geology; geophysics; social sciences; demography; geography

Printed issues of Geoadria magazine are published semi-annually, in June and December, in both Croatian and English or only in English (for foreign authors). Geoadria utilizes online first publishing system, which means that papers are published online on the Hrčak webpage after review and proofreading. The final version is published upon formatting and typesetting. The entire process, from submission to the publication of the paper in print, typically spans a timeframe of four to eight months.

Geoadria has been published by the Croatian Geographical Society in Zadar and the Department of Geography, University of Zadar, since 1996. From 2006 onwards, all papers in the journal are published in Croatian and English or only in English (for foreign authors). The journal is published twice a year. Manuscripts are double blind peer-reviewed. The journal does not charge article processing charges (APC).

Deposit policy
The journal supports the green level of self-archiving, allowing authors to archive the submitted, accepted, and published versions of their papers without time limits or charges with providing links to journal's website and HRČAK portal. Authors may store the submitted and peer-reviewed (accepted) version of their papers on their own websites and institutional repositories. The published version of the paper is permitted to be archived on authors' websites, institutional repositories, and any open-access repositories.

Geoadria utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

Authors that publish in Geoadria Journal retain unrestricted copyright to their work and publishing rights. Work is licensed under the CC BY licence which allows articles to be re-used and re-distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.