Challenges of the water supply of Croatian islands in conditions of climate change and tourist growth


  • Hrvoje Grofelnik University of Rijeka, Faculty of tourism and hospitality management, Opatija
  • Mladen Maradin University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography



sustainability, islands, water supply, climate change, tourism, Adriatic Sea


Based on the analysis of water supply, tourist traffic and climatic parameters, the paper assessed the sustainability and possibilities of adapting the water supply system in the future, considering the simultaneity of the peak loads on the water supply system with dry periods in the warm part of the year. The research covers islands from the northern and middle part of the Adriatic Sea (Croatia), which represent examples of islands with Cfa and Csa climates with significant differences in resource reliance on the island and coastal water resources. Given that previous climatological research indicates an increase in spring and summer temperatures on the Croatian coast, as well as spatial and seasonal changes in the amount of precipitation with a decrease during the summer months, the paper describes the possibilities of adapting current and alternative sources of water supply systems on the islands.






Original scientific paper