Paper Categorization
Authentic scientific paper
contains unpublished results of authentic scientific researches, and the scientific information is displayed in such a way that the accuracy of analysis and findings, which the results are based on, can be verified.
Pilot study
contains one or more scientific data, but without enough detail to allow the same verification as in the authentic scientific paper. The study may contain results of an experimental research, that is, an ongoing research, the results of which, for the sake of relevance, require swift publication.
Review paper
a scientific paper that contains authentic, concise and critical account of an area, or a part of it, which the author actively participates in. The role of the author’s original contribution in this field should be emphasized with regards to the already published works, as well as an overview of these works.
Professional paper
contains already known, published results of scientific research and focuses on their application in practice or their dissemination (for educational purposes). Professional paper contains useful contributions from the field of profession, and the observations made do not need to be new to the field.
All other papers (reviews, illustrations, bibliographies, etc.), which cannot be put in the aforementioned categories, will not be categorized.
The category of scientific and professional papers is proposed by the author, and the final decision is made by the editorial board based on the reviews. The editorial board also makes the decision to publish the papers, taking into account the opinion of the reviewers. Rejected papers are not returned to the authors.