Application of Video Games in Teaching Required Reading (The Case of the Novel Crime and Punishment and the Video Game Crime and Punishment: Who Framed Raskolnikov?)




video games, required reading, Crime and Punishment, F. M. Dostoevsky


Starting from contemporary tendencies in which digital media take up a significant amount of time and content, which is often to the detriment of reading, especially when it comes to classic literature and required reading, the paper advocates the thesis that in order to develop reading habits and master required reading lists in modern times, it is necessary to use opportunities that modern technologies make possible. In particular, the possibilities offered by video games can be put to use, especially since the number of video games based on literary classics has lately been increasing. The paper provides an overview of video games that refer to required reading and offers suggestions for the use of video games in the development of reading habits as exemplified by the video game “Crime and Punishment”. Who framed Raskolnikov? In this game, 1% of the text of the novel is directly quoted, and it can be suggested to students to read the novel and compare it with the video game: what has been preserved from the novel, do they agree with the solutions of the author of the video game, etc. This kind of reading includes an activity that is important to young people today and brings them closer to the art of the written word. Also, it is important that it informs them that today the profession of a video game developer relates to reading, i.e., it informs them that the importance of reading has not decreased even in those branches that are habitually associated with “anti-reading”.





Professional paper