About the Journal

Review process. The journal carries out a double-blind peer-review process. After receiving the papers, they first undergo an internal editorial review, after which they are either returned to the author or sent to two reviewers (or three, if needed), with all elements that could provide information about the author previously removed. The best experts in the topic of the work, preferably external, are chosen as reviewers. Reviewers must not have a conflict of interest; if they are employed in the same institution as the authors, then they must not be their collaborators or otherwise be involved in any of their activities. The reviews are mostly domestic. As a rule, reviews are conducted only for scientific papers.

First year of publication: 2013.
Frequency (annually): 1
Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies, Archeology, History of Art, History, Philology, Art Sciences, Ethnology and Anthropology, Religious Studies (Interdisciplinary Area)
In open access since the first volume (23 january 2014).
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