On the dedication of the first number of the scientific journal Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea to Franjo Smiljanić, scholar and university professor


  • Mithad Kozličić Department of History, University of Zadar




With the death of Professor Franjo Smiljanić, Department of History at the University of Zadar lost one of the most esteemed professors, scientists and above all creative members of teaching staff. It will be difficult to find the person with equally unbreakable spirit who will fill the void left by his departure. His unique life, built around the enormous pain he endured and the infectious laugh, immense erudition and incredible resolve to endure in his scientific endeavours, will surely be a strong guiding light to the younger colleagues in how to live and work at Croatian universities. Therefore the faculty staff of the Department of History at the University of Zadar unanimously decided to dedicate the first number of the new scientific journal to the memory of this “bard” of historical science, true Mediterranean and even greater lover of the Adriatic.



In memoriam, Obituary