Stephen Greenblatt, Skretanje. Kako je svijet postao moderan, Zagreb, 2014.


  • Jure Šućur Odjel za arheologiju Sveučilišta u Zadru



In 2003 the Algoritam publishing company launched Facta edition in which over 120 titles have been published. Pulitzer-winning work by Stephen Greenblatt from 2012 was published in Croatia at the end of 2014. Despite great number of books published in the mentioned series these are mostly works dealing with natural and social sciences, but the book in question is on the borderline of two humanistic disciplines – history and literature. Stephen Greenblatt is the main representative of new historicism and he is often mentioned as one of the initiators of this theoretical school.1 This school of literary and cultural theory was formed in the USA at the beginning of 1980s by means of study of the Renaissance within literary theory. The approach which emerged under the influence of Michel Foucault implied study of not only the work but also the context in which the work was created – historical, legal, economic, etc. Although Greenblatt promoted spreading of the mentioned term, later the term cultural poetics was preferred.



Book Review