Slaven Bertoša, Barban i mletački Loredani: život u pokretu, ljudi i događaji, Zagreb, 2016.


  • Marko Jelenić



In February of 2016 a book by a historian and university professor Slaven Bertoša, PhD, Barban i mletački Loredani: život u pokretu, ljudi i događaji (Barban and the Venetian Loredan family: life in motion, people and events) was published by Katedra Čakavskog sabora in Pazin and University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula as publishers and State Archives in Pazin and Municipality of Barban as co-publishers. Central theme of the monograph is the area of the fief of Barban and Rakalj during the Venetian administration, from the 16th century to 1797, and later in the 19th century. This edition on 319 pages definitely merits attention of the scholarly public due to thorough approach to archival sources and also factualistic aspect of the author’s research. The book contains fourteen chapters and a number of supplements as well as about ninety photographs complementing the textual part. Although the author published a number of books and works analyzing historical themes, this is the first one to deal with the regions of Barban and Rakalj. It is the result of the author’s research in the State Archives in Venice, State Archives in Pazin and Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb where abundant archival documents were preserved dealing with the themes of research. Prof Slaven Bertoša, PhD, is one of the leading representatives of the Istrian and Croatian historiography of the Modern Period.



Book Review