The Teacher: Between Tradition and Modernity: the proceedings
As a central event dedicated to the scientific reflection of the teaching profession, the 6th annual Days of Šime and Ante Starčević, a traditional scientific-professional conference with international participation were held on 24-25 May 2019. This time the conference was held under the name Učitelj-između tradicije i suvremenosti/ The Teacher: Between Tradition and Modernity that marked the 100th anniversary of teacher education in Gospić and Lika. The centennial teaching history in Lika began on 18 August 1919, when the Royal Croatian-Slavonian Provincial Government and its Commission for Education ordered a Training School for teachers to be opened in Gospić for the male and female youth. Continuously striving in the direction of professional growth, raising the quality of teaching andstudent standards, affirmation of science and art and promoting the culture of coexistence, the Department of Teacher Education in Gospić nurtures, with full responsibility, one of the most noble professions – teaching.
Papers that were published in the Collection, that emerged from the presentations gathered in four sessions, witness the diversity of thinking within the teaching vocation that are based on creativity, research spirit, responsibility, respect for traditional values, but they also address the challenges of contemporary educational aspirations. There were thirty papers published in the Collection, which is less than the number of presentations at the conference. All papers underwent a double review process and were categorized according to scientific usages such as original papers, previous communications, review or professional papers.
From a Schoolmaster to a Master's Degree in Primary Education: a Historical Overview of the Development of Teacher Education in Croatia
The Identity of the Teacher's Proffesion
Collocational Competence of Primary School EFL Learners
Oral Literature in Textbooks for Croatian Language in Classroom Teaching
Motivation of Economics of Entrepreneurship Students at the University of Applied Sciences Nikola Tesla for Proffesional Language Learning
Places of Learning - Guidelines for the Construction of Schools and their Impact on Pedagogical Work of Two Educational Institutions in Gospić
The Beginnings of the Bosnian Methodical School and Practice in the Classroom Teaching of Written Expressions During Austro-Hungarian, Following the Example of Ivan Klarić and Edhem Mulabdić, Associates of the Školski vjesnik
Compliance of the Text of Mathematical Textbooks and Workbooks in Primary School Education with the Prescribed Textbook Standards
The First Textbook on the Methodology of the Croatian Language
Records of School Memorials in Lički Novi (1880-1918)
How to Read Educational Epistolary in the Realm of the Soul of Jagoda Truhelka
The Role of Teachers and the Teacher-Training School in the Social Life of Gospić (1919–1965)
Jure Turić – the Significance of ‘the little ones’ in the Development of Croatian Children's Tale
Professor Mandica Kovačević (1929 – 2011) on Philosophy of Education on the Radio
Literary Themes of Gospić Teachers
Active Communication in the Classroom as a Prerequisite of Student Motivation
Competent Teacher - Creator of EU and National Projects
Creativity, Resilience and Personality as Significant Determinants of Contemporary Early Childhood Educator
Teachers’ Opinions about Humor in Higher Education
Differences Between the Second Grade Primary School Female and Male Pupils in Motor Abilities
Study Programme as Foundation for Acquiring Competence in Working with Pupils with Special Needs
New Learning Platforms
Traditional andContemporary Approach in the Teaching of Visual Arts on the Example of the Baroque Sculpture and Painting Unit in the 3rd Grade of Grammar School
Folklore in Elementary Schools of Lika-Senj County
Monitoring Art and Design Strategies of Primary School Pupils
Art Teachers’ Viewpoints on Competences and Art Education Programmes Required in Art Teaching
An Example of the Working Programme of the Educational Department of the Museum of Arts and Crafts: a Two-Day Field Trip in the Museum
Learning Activities for Understanding Global Changes
Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Contents Representation in Geography Teaching in Primary School Program
About Lines and Generalization of the Notion of a Line to Curved Spaces