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Author Guidelines



The journal is currently considering contributions in Croatian, Italian and English, although we might exceptionally consider papers in other languages.

Authors are requested to send their paper as an MS Word file to

For papers that contain any special characters, such as Greek alphabet, Cyrillic script, etc. deliver both the MS Word and PDF file.

The heading should include author’s full name, e-mail address, phone number, and the institutional affiliation.

The title should be followed by an abstract of up to 150 words and a maximum of 5 keywords written in the same language as the paper.

The paper should be accompanied by keywords and abstracts of up to 250 words in both Italian and English.

The paper should not exceed 4,800 words (footnotes included), or 30,000 characters including spaces (approximately 16 standard pages). The editorial board reserves the right to accept longer texts if necessary.

Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing.

Use italics for:

  • foreign or dialect words that are not in wide general use
  • graphemes, words and syntagma that are the object of analysis
  • titles of books, magazines, journals, chapters
  • titles of short stories and poems; the first line of a poem (when used in place of the title)
  • titles of plays, films, artworks, musical works

Use double quotation marks (“”) for:

  • citations
  • emphatic, ironic, figurative language.

Use single quotation marks (' ') to clarify the meaning of foreign words, dialectal expressions, colloquialisms, and the like.





Use in-text citations. Footnotes (font size 10) should be used exclusively for digressive notes and supplemental information.

The citation is placed in parentheses and includes information in the following order: author’s surname, publication year, page number/s.

E.g.,     (Berruto 2006: 3-4)

   (Gobber and Morani 2014: 8-9)

   (Starčević, Kapović and Sarić 2019: 32)


Works by more than three authors should be cited as follows:

E.g. (Bonomi et al. 2010: 123)


A quotation of no more than three lines should be put in double quotation marks and incorporated into the text.

The punctuation marks should be placed outside the quotation marks (except if the quote ends in an exclamation point, question mark, or ellipsis). Any omission of words within the sentence quoted must be marked by ellipsis points in square brackets.

Lines of verse should be run on with the lines and line breaks should be indicated by a forward slash. Any omission of verses at the beginning, middle or end of the poem, must be marked by ellipsis points in square brackets.

Quotations that exceed three lines should be set off from the text as a passage preceded and followed by a blank line; use font size 11 with single line spacing, do not add quotation marks.

When citing prose, do not indent the first line unless the original text is indented.

Use single quotes for quotations within quotations.

When quoting a dialogue in a play or screenplay, the names of the characters should be written in small caps.





The reference list entries should be ordered alphabetically by the author’s surname.


  • Year of Publication. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.

E.g., Ceserani, Remo. 2010. Convergenze. Gli strumenti letterari e le altre discipline. Milano: Bruno Mondadori.

E.g., De Mauro, Tullio. 2014. Storia linguistica dell’Italia repubblicana dal 1946 ai nostri giorni. Roma-Bari: Laterza.


For translated books, add the full name of the translator immediately after the title.

E.g., Venuti, Lawrence. 1999. L’invisibilità del traduttore. Una storia della traduzione. Marina Guglielmi (translator). Roma: Armando.


When documenting two or more works by the same author published in the same year, add a, b, c.

E.g., Muljačić, Žarko. 1972a. Fonologia della lingua italiana. Bologna: Il Mulino.

E.g., Muljačić, Žarko. 1972b. Opća fonologija i fonologija suvremenog talijanskog jezika. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.

  • If the source has two or more authors, reverse the first of the names (surname and then name) and give the rest of the names in normal order, separating the authors with a comma:

E.g., Dardano, Maurizio, Pietro Trifone. 2002. Grammatica italiana. Con nozioni di linguistica. Bologna: Zanichelli.

E.g., Bonomi, Ilaria, Andrea Masini, Silvia Morgana, Mario Piotti. 2010. Elementi di linguistica italiana. Roma: Carocci editore.


Book chapters

  • Year of Publication. Italicized Chapter Title. Italicized Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher. Page Numbers.

E.g., Barbieri, Daniele. 2004. Teoria della tensione in Nel corso del testo. Una teoria della tensione e del ritmo. Milano: Bompiani. 35-63.


Chapters or articles in edited books and conference proceedings

  • Author/s. Year of Publication. Italicized Chapter Title. Editor/s (first name and surname) followed up by ‘editor’ in parentheses, Italicized Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher. Page Numbers.

E.g., Kovačec, August. 2007. Ferdinand de Saussure i strukturalizam in Zrinjka Glovacki-Bernardi (editor) Uvod u lingvistiku. Zagreb: Školska knjiga. 99-179.

E.g., Jaworski, Adam i Crispin Thurlow. 2010. Language and the Globalizing Habitus of Tourism: Toward a Sociolinguistics of Fleeting Relationships in Nicholas Coupland (editor) Handbook of Language and Globalization. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. 255-287.

E.g., D’Aguanno, Daniele, Rita Librandi, Sergio Lubello, Pietro Maturi and Rosa Piro. 2019. Le tante varietà di cui si servono gli italiani in Rita Librandi (editors) L'italiano: strutture, usi, varietà. Roma: Carocci editore. 225 – 290.

E.g., Ledda, Giuseppe. 2018. Dante e i saperi del suo tempo in Nicola Bonazzi, Andrea Campana, Fabio Giunta and Nicolò Maldina (editors) Itinerari nella letteratura italiana. Da Dante al Web. Roma: Carocci editore. 50 – 70.

E.g., Zinato, Emanuele. 2008. Una pallina di carta: strategie retoriche del saggismo di Claudio Magris in Guido Baldassarri, Nikola Jakšić, Živko Nižić (editors) Letteratura, arte, cultura tra le due sponde dell’Adriatico. Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru. 21-32.

E.g., Filipi, Goran. 2018. Istrorumunjski nazivi koji se tiču stabla i ploda masline in Blaženka Martinović, Daniel Mikulaco (editors) Zbornik radova s 1. međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa Kroatistika unutar slavističkoga, europskog i svjetskog konteksta (u povodu 20. godišnjice osnutka studija hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti u Puli). Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. 45-61.


Articles in periodicals

  • Author/s. Year of Publication. “Paper Title in Quotation Marks” in Italicized Journal Title, Volume, Issue Number. Page Number.

E.g., Zorić, Mate. 1976. “Il romanzo storico croato e Alessandro Manzoni” in Studia romanica et anglica zagabriensia, 41-42. 537-554.

E.g., Roić, Sanja. 2020. “Leopardijeva Žukva na Cetinju” in Folia linguistica et litteraria, XI, 30. 13-31.

E.g., Heller, Monica, Joan Pujolar and Alexandre Duchêne. 2014. “Linguistic commodification in tourism” in Journal of Sociolinguistics, 18/4. 539–566.

E.g., Dal Negro, Silvia. 2005. “Minority languages between nationalism and new localism: the case of Italy” in International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 174. 113-124.

E.g., Guerini, Francesca. 2012. “Uso dei dialetti nella segnaletica stradale con nomi di località: una panoramica sui comuni della Provincia di Bergamo” in Linguistica e Filologia, 32. 51-75.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Authors are requested to send their paper as an MS Word file. For papers that contain any special characters, such as Greek alphabet, Cyrillic script, etc. deliver both the MS Word and PDF file
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


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